New Website

I just finished up a new website this weekend (you’re on it right now!), and boy do I hate web design. GUI is my least favorite part of game development, and web design is basically just all GUI, so it’s basically my worst nightmare. Getting things to look good on a multitude of screens is no easy chore, but alas, I am done! Almost… I still need to hack this template to add Tiktok and Itch icons at the bottom -_-‘

Anyways, enough of my whining. I am going to start trying to write weekly blog posts. Sometimes they will be about my ongoing projects, sometimes they will be educational, sometimes philosophical, I’m probably going to be all over the place. I honestly just want to write more. I think writing is good exercise for the brain, it helps you to articulate your things you know, which builds a greater understanding of what may otherwise exist in your mind as a bit of loose knowledge and intuition. I also tend to be verbose, and so blog posts allow me to do what Twitter posts and TikTok videos do not… ramble on, and on, and on, and on and…!

Yep. So anyways, I’ve recently become incapable of enjoying existing video games again. Whenever that happens to me I go into these manic productive spurts where I just work all the time, because why not?! What better is there to do with your time when your leisures become dull?

So I built this website, and I am kicking it into high gear on my current game dev project, Lord of Pirates. I’ll probably write a blog talking about it more soon, but if you want to check it out, you can play the alpha over at I am also working on a new EP that I am really excited about called Space Cowboy. It’s very aesthetic, and that aesthetic has evolved more beautifully than what I thought I was truly capable of at my current skill level in terms of production. I’ll talk more about that in a future post as well. I want to share some previews… but I also want people to experience it as a whole piece… so I might just have to hold back in that regard.

It’s 10:21pm right now, and I’ve been working on this website basically all weekend outside of my other engagements. I think it’s time to call it quits and get some sleep to prepare for next week. I am meeting up with TheMedisin tomorrow to discuss him working on the soundtrack for Lord of Pirates. I know he’s going to kill it, as he has a very special talent when it comes to creating two specific types of vibes. Space vibes and ocean vibes. And not to spoil anything, but, I think in the final release of the game, we might have a need for both 😉

Good Night.
